McCain's Medical Records and Age

Written by Paul Zannucci on 8:01 AM

According to an AP story:

"Three-time melanoma survivor John McCain appears cancer-free, has a strong heart and is in otherwise general good health, according to eight years of medical records reviewed by The Associated Press...Early on in the primaries, a number of voters said McCain's age was a problem, but recent surveys suggest it may not be as big an issue. An ABC News-Washington Post poll conducted in April found 70 percent saying McCain's age would not make any difference to their vote. Other recent polls found similar results, with two-thirds or more saying his age doesn't matter."

Well, that is good, at least. One of the interesting things through my own personal experience is that a lot of the people for whom age is a factor are, themselves, older folks. My parents, for example, are about the same age as McCain and have serious reservations about how he'll be able to handle a job as demanding as the presidency (despite the fact that neither one of them sits still for a minute), and they've gone as far as to say that there is no way that they would vote for him for a second term, that 76 would simply be too old to begin a four-year job.

As a twenty-three-year-old (so far as you know), I can't really relate to the sentiments, myself. I don't know what it feels like to be that age, and it hasn't occurred to me that McCain was too old for me to vote for him. It did occur to me, however, that he might appear too old to be able to defeat a slick youngster like Obama simply from a natural bias point-of-view. I suppose we'll see, but the image of these two coming onto the debate floor together is not a pretty one. To the mindless electorate, Obama will likely win the debate via initial appearance alone.

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